Three years after the unexplained death of his young niece, filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his Mormon family’s home in a small town in Michigan, preparing to make a film about a broken criminal justice system. Instead, he pivots to excavate the depths of generational addiction, Christian fervor, and trans embodiment. Lyrically assembled images, decades of home movies, and ethereal narration form an idiosyncratic and poetic undertow that guides the viewer through lifetimes and relationships.
The filmmaker and interdisciplinary artist was born in Petoskey, Michigan in the USA in 1983. He studied art at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and at Northwestern University. His work, which encompasses documentary, fiction and hybrid film forms, sound and music performances, text and media installations, has been presented at numerous museums and film festivals. His filmography includes short films like ‘The Year I Broke My Voice’ (2012), ‘My Most Handsome Monster’ (2014), ‘Separation of the Earth (By Fire)’ (2015), ‘The Source is a Hole’ (2017), ‘The Eddies’ (2018), ‘At the River’ (2020) and ‘Two Sons and a River of Blood’ (2021).