70th edition. From 24 October to 1 November 2025.
70th edition.
24 Oct./1 Nov. 2025
Seminci launches the distributors’ meeting for the fourth consecutive year

Seminci launches the distributors’ meeting for the fourth consecutive year

Seminci launches the distributors’ meeting for the fourth consecutive year

  • This event seeks to facilitate the access of independent Spanish distributors to the titles programmed by the festival that have not yet sold their rights in Spain

15/10/2020.- The 65th edition of Seminci will be sponsoring, for the fourth consecutive year, the annual meeting of film distributors, which will this time put the focus on the future of film festivals and the distribution of auteur films in Spain. In addition to encouraging a fruitful discussion among the sector’s professionals, this event seeks to facilitate the access of independent Spanish distributors to the titles programmed by the festival that have not yet sold their rights in Spain, which is the case with almost 60% of the films screening at Seminci.

Moreover, and given that this year the meeting will also address the future of film festivals, Seminci has engaged the participation of the directors of the most important film festivals in Spain: José Luis Rebordinos (San Sebastian), Juan Antonio Vigar (Málaga), José Luis Cienfuegos (Seville), Manuel H. Martín (Huelva’s Ibero-American Film Festival); Carlos Madrid and Rosa Roig (respectively Valencia’s International Festival and Mostra), Conxita Casanovas (Barcelona’s Sant Jordi International Film Festival), Alejandro Díaz Castaño (Gijón), Joan González (Docs Barcelona), Andrea Guzmán (Documenta Madrid), Ángel Sala (Sitges), and Emiliano Allende (Medina del Campo). The director of Seminci, Javier Angulo, will be hosting the event.