Film heritage in the 21st century

Film heritage in the 21st century

Film heritage in the 21st century

European experts will discuss the challenges in the conservation of film heritage and the many questions raised by the preservation of digital media at the conference “Film heritage in the 21st century”, promoted by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and coordinated by the director of the Filmoteca de Catalunya, Esteve Riambau. The proposal complements the section Memory and Utopia, with which Seminci shows important restorations recently carried out by cinematheques and other world institutions.

The day will consist of two round tables moderated by Riambau. “Film archives facing the digital dilemma” will bring together the director of the Cinémathèque Suisse, Fréderic Maire; the director of Filmoteca Española, Valeria Camporesi; the deputy director of the Cinemateca Portuguesa, Rui Machado; and Céline Ruivo, from the technical commission of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). “How to program cinema of the past today: classic film festivals” will feature Gérald Duchaussoy, head of the Cannes Classics section and programmer of the international market for classic films at the Festival Lumière (Lyon); Frédéric Bonnaud, director of La Cinémathèque française; Cecilia Cenciarelli, artistic co-director of the Il Cinema Ritrovato festival; and György Ráduly, director of the National Film Institute – Film Archive, Hungary.

Hall of Mirrors, Calderón Theater.
Tuesday, October 24. Free access

  • 12.00 h – “Film archives facing the digital dilemma”.
  • 15.00 h – “How to program cinema of the past today: classic film festivals”.