This Sunday, the Spanish Cinema section presented the documentary 100 días con la Tata, the debut film by actor Miguel Ángel Muñoz. The screening was attended by Miguel Ángel Muñoz himself, who thanked the audience: “I’m very excited to be at Seminci, it’s a very important festival. What I like most about this process is to be able to share the film with the audience and see what it has transmitted to them”.
The documentary tells the story of how the parents of actor Miguel Ángel Muñoz had to turn to Tata (Luisa Cantero) to look after their son while they worked. Since then, Tata (97) and Miguel Ángel (38) have never been separated. But after several health complications for Tata, Miguel Ángel realises that their love story could come to an end and decides to do all the things he has planned to do with her: a road trip,
getting to know Luisa’s origins and even making a film together. An adventure that is interrupted by the outbreak of the pandemic.

Muñoz also reflected on the hardness of taking care of an elderly person 24 hours a day and on how important Luisa, his “Tata”, is to him: “I had the need to share all those things with my Tata with the public all over the world. Dedicating myself to her during the pandemic has cost me a lot of effort and even an injury, but I choose to be with her”.
He also commented on his debut as a director: “I have been interested in directing for many years. Luckily I’m always working and I’ve never been able to stop and start as a director. This was a professional necessity” and he vindicated mental health, which plays an important role in the film: ”It was clear to me that I wanted to talk about the fear of death and the importance of therapy. The beginning is a real session with my therapist because I wanted to give it value. For me, therapy has saved my life”.