2022 – 67th Edition

Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno

Green Spike Jury

Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno

Born in 1961 in Villa Cisneros (Sahara). With a degree in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has been working since 1991 as a popularizer of nature on the radio and in the written press. For two decades starting in 1997 she was an environmental columnist for ‘ABC’, a job she continues to perform since 2010 for republica.com, where she currently writes a weekly column. In 2003 she received the National Environmental Award for Nature Conservation and in 2006 she was presented with the Jaime de Foxá Literary Award, while in 2008 she became the recipient of the Medal of Honour of the Official College of Forestry Engineers for her work as a wildlife popularizer. In 2007 she founded aceytuno.com, where she launched the Aceytuno Dictionary of Nature, which is disseminated daily through her Twitter account: @aceytuno

Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno

All members of the

2022 – 67th Edition
2022 – 67th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno

2022 – 67th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Miguel Ángel Pérez Quintero

2022 – 67th Edition
Green Spike Jury

Rocío Sastre Viyuela