2021 – 66th Edition

2021 – Nº 4

Tuesday, 26 October

2021 – Nº 4



Great figures of our film industry populate this edition of the Valladolid International Film Festival. His teaching has left an indelible mark on Spanish cinema and his work remains a benchmark for current creators. The memory of Luis García Berlanga occupies a prominent place on today’s agenda, as happened a few days ago with Fernando Fernán Gómez. Rafael Maluenda seeks the keys that explain the currency of the author of The National Shotgun in his documentary feature Berlanga !!, programmed as one of this year’s Special Screenings in commemoration of the director’s centenary.

The tribute to our cinema will inspire several events of Spain’s Day at Seminci, where four renowned film professionals who are already living history of Spanish cinema will receive the festival’s Honorary Spike: the cinematographer José Luis Alcaine, the actors Mercedes Sampietro and Jose Coronado, and the director Álex de la Iglesia, who will also share his experiences in a master class.

On this day devoted to film stories that are specially close to our experience, there will also be a Spanish representation in the Official Section, with Sis dies corrents (The Odd-Job Men): a movie by Neus Ballús that confirms the potential of cinema made in Spain after harvesting in Locarno, among other accolades, the Europa Cinemas Label award, which is presented by film exhibitors. In addition, the traditional Spanish Short Film Night will point at new names in the national film scene.

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2021 – 66th Edition
2021 - Nº 10 - Executive Memory
2021 – Nº 9
30 October
2021 – Nº 8
30 October
2021 – Nº 7
29 October
2021 – Nº 6
28 October
2021 – Nº 5
27 October
2021 – Nº 4
26 October
2021 – Nº 3
25 October
2021 - Nº 2
24 October
2021 - Nº 1
23 October
Programme 2021