2021 – 66th Edition

2021 – Nº 5

Wednesday, 27 October

2021 – Nº 5



In 2019, the cinephile tradition fuelled by our International Film Festival earned Valladolid the recognition by Unesco as a Creative City in the field of cinema. Two years later, Seminci once again celebrates an acknowledgement to which the University of Valladolid’s Film Chair or the Valladolid Film Office also contributed, as well as film fans and audiences who are sure to attend every local event organised around the seventh art.

The celebration of Valladolid’s Day, whose main highlight is the Valladolid City of Film Unesco Gala, will be accompanied by another event that has already consolidated itself in Seminci’s parallel programme of activities: the round table on independent film distribution. Seminci has become a gateway for arthouse productions that in most cases cannot access theatrical screens in Spain. The festival is committed to changing this state of affairs and provides a forum for distributors to view the films selected for participation and purchase the rights to release them theatrically in Spain.

Seminci also provides am space where exhibitors and distributors come together and support productions outside the commercial circuits and beyond the festival’s scope and duration: one more action that justifies Unesco’s recogition of Valladolid as a Creative City of Film (a proud distinction that Valladolid only shares with Terrassa in the whole of Spain).

More magazines of this edition

2021 – 66th Edition
2021 - Nº 10 - Executive Memory
2021 – Nº 9
30 October
2021 – Nº 8
30 October
2021 – Nº 7
29 October
2021 – Nº 6
28 October
2021 – Nº 5
27 October
2021 – Nº 4
26 October
2021 – Nº 3
25 October
2021 - Nº 2
24 October
2021 - Nº 1
23 October
Programme 2021