2022 – 67th Edition

2022 – Nº 8

Saturday, 29 October

2022 – Nº 8



An intense week of cinema and emotions has allowed us to get rid of the bittersweet aftertaste of two editions in which the pandemic has conditioned the access to the cinemas. The Seminci has once again become the Seminci, with all that it implies of a cinephile ritual that each spectator lives in his or her own way.

Today is the day of farewells and the moment to know the balance of the edition in the form of a list of winners. The juries of the different competitive sections announce their final verdict and the chosen titles and authors will write another page in the history of the Week.

But the day still reserves the possibility of enjoying good cinema with some of the two hundred titles programmed during the edition. Without going any further, the farewell brings us back to one of those authors whose filmography is closely linked to the festival: Paul Schrader. The man in charge of closing the edition with Master Gardener was Silver Spike back in 1978 with his first feature film as director, Blue Collar, as well as Honorary Spike and object of a cycle in 2013. We say goodbye to the 67th Seminci with his latest work and with our minds already set on the 68th edition.

More magazines of this edition

2022 – 67th Edition
2022 - Nº 10 - Memoria
2022 - Nº 9
29 October
2022 - Nº 8
29 October
28 October
2022 - Nº 6
27 October
2022 – Nº 5
26 October
2022 – Nº 4
25 October
2022 – Nº 3
24 October
2022 - Nº 2
23 October
2022- Nº 1
22 October
Programme 2022